In The Beginning...
CarSpeed Autoparts was founded by Jonathan Fowler in 2009, but the initial idea for the business started well before that, back in 2003. After buying a Mk2 Ford Escort RS2000 shell to turn into a road rally car, he struggled to find fasteners, clips, fuel hose and various workshop essentials specific to his project; that was when the grain of an idea started to form. However, at that point Jonathan was still working for Pirelli Tyres Ltd in their Technical Department and then as Quality Manager for the Carlisle & Burton on Trent sites. Latterly, he was based in Milan, Italy, and was responsible for the Original Equipment Quality requirements for many of the top Pirelli customers. The idea was still there at the back of his mind, and then in late 2008 an opportunity arose that was too good to miss.
Going The Extra Mile For The Automotive Trade
In February 2009 the CarSpeed Autoparts Van hit the road! It now covers a wide area of Cumbria, with Carlisle at it's centre, stretching down towards Appleby in the south of the county, Workington to the west, and then just across the border into Northumberland over to Hexham.
The main core of the businesses visited are automotive and commercial vehicle based, however, we serve other customers who require nuts, bolts, fasteners, tools and workshop essentials.
All Under One Roof & On Your Doorstep
On the 3rd of March 2016, we officially opened the showroom.
Stocked with everything that the motorsport minded person could need: bonnet pins, roll cage padding, seats for sizing, fuel hose, Aeroquip fittings, brake fittings.... we could go on and on and on....
The great thing about the showroom is that we also stock most of the things that are on the van too.